Please read this carefully before using this website. By accessing this site, you agree to the conditions set out below.

is reported that the web website is owned by Tra Infografia SL, being intended for informational, promotional and commercial purposes.

Tra Infografia SL reserves the right to make, at any time and without notice, modifications regarding its presentation and configuration as well as the contents and services presented therein. The access to this site, such as the use made of the information contained therein, are the sole responsibility of who performs them.

Tra Infografia SL is not liable for damages resulting from malfunctions in hosted services that are based on the same cause of any nature beyond its control.

Tra Infografia SL warns that unless they own all the information contained on the site, some of the text, graphics, links and / or the content of some items included therein may not be accurate or may not be updated. For this reason, Tra Infografia SL can not answer for any errors or omissions relating to the information. Tra Infografia SL owns distinctive signs and Internet domains and derivatives in its different modalities. the use by third parties without the express consent of Tra Infografia SL is prohibited. Any references that are made on websites any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information that the distinctive and / or domains signs are used,

Copyright © Tra Infografia SL. All exploitation rights reserved site. Intellectual property rights on the site is owned by Tra Infografia SL. The said company has the exclusive rights to exploit them in any form and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. It is granted the right to partial reproduction of its content to third parties provided that the following conditions: 1) It is compatible with the purposes and interests of Tra Infografia SL, 2) It is done with the intention of obtaining the information and not purposeful commercial or for use other than individual, 3) None of the content on this site is modified in any way,

Tra Infografia SL reports to allow users to access some of the portal services, it is necessary to collect personal data.
Law 15/1999, of 13 December, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter Act) establishes the obligation for the data controller to take the necessary technical and organizational to ensure the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and other applicable legislation, Tra Infografia SL comes to the creation of an automated personal data in which those data necessary to allow access to some of the portal services and commercial promotions for products and services Tra Infografia SL will be collected.

Tra Infografia SL guarantees the adoption of appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality of such data, which may be consulted, modified or canceled by the holder by writing to the company at the address described above.

The business of this site is to present concrete and report on products and / or services Tra Infografia SL or others, as well as their sale. Regarding products and / or services outside submitted through this site and not included in the sale, Tra Infografia SL assumes no conditions on manufacturing, marketing, price, delivery or sale responsibility. Commercial transactions of goods and / or services listed in this website is subject to the provisions of Law 7/1995 and 2/1996 Organic Law, both of 15 January, of the Retail Trade. According to them, the buyer may freely withdraw from the contract within seven days from the date of receipt of the product or service. Later, You will be reimbursed in full amount, as long as the product is in perfect condition and in its original packaging. Return costs and / or transportation borne by the buyer. Prices and rates listed on this site should reflect officially in force, except for error or inadvertent omission, that if any prices or rates that are officially in force at the time of formulating and send the request to Tra Infografia SL apply by the buyer. Offering products and services are available to stockouts. Prices and rates listed on this site should reflect officially in force, except for error or inadvertent omission, that if any prices or rates that are officially in force at the time of formulating and send the request to Tra Infografia SL apply by the buyer. Offering products and services are available to stockouts. Prices and rates listed on this site should reflect officially in force, except for error or inadvertent omission, that if any prices or rates that are officially in force at the time of formulating and send the request to Tra Infografia SL apply by the buyer. Offering products and services are available to stockouts.

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The use by users of the services listed on the site, will always be made in the terms and conditions provided for this purpose. Users agree to use these services are not attacking the rules of use and coexistence on the Internet, for example, by sending unsolicited mail or through behaviors or attitudes that involve inconvenience, damage or detriment to users.